Miniatures Lyon


Automotive > French


Reference : 9791069918795
Year : 2000-2018

Text : Fr

With 13 million units produced since its launch at the end of 1990, the Renault Clio has definitely proved that it has all the makings of a great car. But the Clio is also a long line of sports cars, each more incredible than the last. This is the subject of the new book "Les virages dans la peau", the second part of the Renault Sport saga after "La loi de la traction".

Although the history of the R.S. officially began in 1999 on the basis of the Clio II, its predecessor had two flagship models: the 16S and Williams. The entire Clio Renault Sport range, both international and national, is then covered, with a few surprises in store for you, right up to the latest model, the Clio R.S. 18. As an added bonus, the Clio V6s are given two chapters richly endowed with writing and photos. To bring this story to life, the pictures - all previously unpublished - are on a par with the vehicles and the dynamic layout will not disorientate readers of previous books. A very wide range of colours has been chosen to offer maximum diversity.

In the 168 pages, you will learn all about the history of the Clio R.S., from its beginnings to the current version, all chassis included, each one seen in detail. Renault Sport Cars has trusted us with an impressive array of production figures, many of which have never been published before.

But first, Clio R.S.: Les virages dans la peau begins with a foreword by Jean Ragnotti, who kindly agreed to take part in the 18-month adventure. Now that each corner has been successfully negotiated, all that remains is for you to read the many anecdotes scattered throughout the book and you'll be in the know about Clio sports cars!


Voir les caractéristiques techniques
Model RS
Materials NC
Release 11-02-2023
29,00 €
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