Miniatures Lyon


Military > World wars

La ligne Maginot - Tome 4

Reference : 9782915239461
Year : NC

In the first part of this long-awaited Volume 4, the authors study in great detail the fortifications established to counter the Italian threat in the Alps. No element is left in the dark: the genesis of the fortified line of the South-East, the construction of works at high altitude, technical means and specific armament. The second part of Volume 4 gives an exhaustive review of the infantry (DBAF and BAF, half-brigades and alpine fortress battalions, machine-gun battalions) and the specific artillery (RAP, positional artillery regiments) which, from 1935 to 1940, held the fortified barrier of the South-East without fail. The treatment given to the whole is rigorously in conformity with those of the preceding volumes, so that the work preserves its perfect homogeneity. Jacques Sicard, the greatest specialist of the French army's troops, co-signs this Volume 4 where, as a native of Briançon, he finds his beloved Alpine troops. He joins on the cover the two authors specialising in concrete, Jean-Yves Mary and Alain Hohnadel, who, in this volume 4, push back the limits of detail and precision, dear to the readers of the collection.

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Materials NC
Release 03-05-2024
39,95 €
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